is the #1 online resource for Tamil song lyrics. Here you will find accurate lyrics of your favorite Tamil songs. This site covers lyrics of songs from old as well as new Tamil movies. Almost all the lyrics on the site have been contributed by Tamil Music Lovers who frequent this site. We dedicate this site to the talented Tamil Lyricists who have over the years have been writing some amazing lyrics for Tamil movie songs thus giving Tamil movie fans immense joy and happiness.

About Tamil songs, Tamil Lyrics, Tamil Lyricists, Tamil Music Directors, and more

Tamil film music with well written Tamil lyrics contributes immensely to the success of a Tamil movie. The song, lyrics and sizzling dance performances have become the soul and spirit of Tamil movies. These song and dance sequences with Tamil lyrics pretty well ingrained in them have over the years rocked Tamil film audiences stirring their hearts and minds in utter joyfulness.

Tamil movies consist of romantic songs, sentimental songs, sad songs and zestful teasing songs with Tamil lyrics aptly recreating the right kind of mood for the song to become a memorable hit. In the Tamil movie "Annakkili" released in 1976, the song 'Machhanai Paatteengala' became a frenzied hit rocking Tamil music lovers. The song is about a woman who teases her fiance. It was very well written by Tamil lyricist Panju Arunachalam. This Tamil song became a trend setter in Tamil movies. People also began to take notice of maestro Ilaiyaraja since it was his debut making score. Ilaiyaraja later went on to breathe life into beautiful Tamil lyrics penned by several noted Tamil lyricists such as Kanna Dasan, Gangai Amaran, Panju Arunachalam, Vaira Muthu, Vaali, Muthulingam and several others.

The heart warming Tamil song lyrics written by Tamil lyricist Vaali 'Kanmani Anbodu Kaadhalan Naan Ezhudhum Katithame' from Guna [2007] speaks volumes of how the hero feels the intesity of joy when writing a love letter to his love-interest. 'Anthi Mazhai Megam' & 'Nila Adhu Vaanathu Mele' penned by Ilaiyaraja & Pulavar Pulamaipithan for "Nayagan" [1987] became sensational hits. While the zestful song 'Rakkamma Kaiya Thattu' from "Thalapathi" [1991] has become internationally famous as it has found a place on the list of BBC World Top Ten musical poll. These songs and several others with beautiful Tamil songs lyrics have been permanently etched on the hearts of millions of Tamil film audiences. Thanks to 'Isaignani' Ilaiyaraja; his music creates the right kind of mood in tune with the lyrics of the day.

A R Rahman is another Tamil musical genius who is following in the footsteps of 'Isaignani' Ilaiyaraja. Viairamuthu's 'Anbe Anbe Kollathey Kannae Kannai killathey' from "Jeans" [1998] literally praises the beauty of Aishwarya Rai. While A R Rahman's melodic music adds to the intensity of emotions that the hero feels for his ladylove. Vairamuthu's other Tamil lyrics which became blockbuster hits under A R Rahman's melodic compositions are 'Chinni Chinni Aasai' & 'Kaadhal Rojave' both from "Roja" [1992], 'Usalampatti Penkutti Muthupechi' from "Gentleman" [1993], 'Thilana Thilana' from "Muthu" [1995], 'Anjali Anjali' from "Duet" [1995] to name a few have become the most memorable songs for millions of Tamil music lovers.

Likewise the romantic songs 'Vaseegara' from Tamil movie "Minnale" [2001] and 'Oru Maalai Elaveyil Neram' from Ghajini [2005] penned by Tamil lyricist Thamarai and set to music by Harris Jayaraj became musical blockbusters.

Apart from the top Tamil music directors like Ilaiyaraja, A R Rahman and Harris Jayaraj there are many other talented music directors like M S Vishwanathan, Srilekha, Vidyasagar, Yuvan Shankar Raja, Karthik Raja and Deva to name a few , who are just immortalizing Tamil song lyrics by giving them the touch of melodic beauty.

In the end I would like to say that Tamil lyrics set to tune in the melodious musical genre have a soothing effect on Tamil film audiences drenching them in absolute melodic bliss. Tamil lyrics written by some of the most talented lyricists in India indeed stir the hearts of Tamil music lovers creating a deep memorable impact on them.